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Encryption Tools


PrivateMail for Hotmail

Hits: 662

Encrypt Files

Hits: 645

Secret Media

Hits: 619

ePrivacy Suite

Hits: 597
TrustTone PrivateMail is the
With Encrypt Files you can
Hide secret messages in
Award-winning content
easiest private email
securely encrypt and
graphics & audio files,
encryption solution for data
solution available today.
password protect your
jpg, mp3, wma, etc
protection, featuring
PrivateMail provides
confidential files and
one-click encryption for
enterprise level security
folders. Encrypt Files is
maximum ease of use. Secure
without any prior setup, use
fast, lightweight, supports
your files, folders, and
of passwords, or manual
13 strong encryption
email communications.
key/certificate exchange. No
algorithms and shreds files
ePrivacy Suite includes
spyware or adware. Simply
after encryption. Encrypt
Secured eF2 and Secured
install and send.
Files is free application.

Date: Apr, 30 2006

Date: Apr, 11 2007

Date: Jan, 05 2005

Date: Jan, 20 2007
SecureIT- encrypt, compress
Simply right-click on a file,
Masker encrypts your files so
Public wi-fi hotspots are not
and shred any file or folder
type a password, and your
that a password is needed to
secure and your computer and
on any Windows PC with its
file cannot be read or used.
open them, and then it hides
communications vulnerable to
448 Bit Blowfish encryption.
Works with any type of file
files and folders inside
hackers and security
Shred any file or folder.
including photos, movies,
inside of carrier files,
breaches. Hotspot Shield
Send Secure e-mail. Full
office documents, etc.
such as image files, video,
gives you a simple solution
command line Support. Zero
program or sound files. Use
to maintain your anonymity
learning curve.
Masker to keep you sensitive
and protect your privacy
secret files secure hidden.
when accessing free wi-fi

Date: Dec, 08 2005

Date: Jan, 02 2006

Date: Sep, 15 2006

Date: Dec, 20 2006
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