Power Crypt is an industrial
PDF Encrypt allows you to
Kremlin provides a
strength file encryption
encrypt (using standard
cross-platform security
program. It uses the
40-bit or 128-bit supported
suite for Mac and PC,
Advanced Encryption Standard
by Acrobat Reader 5.0 and
protecting your sensitive
(AES) cipher algorithm,
up) existing PDFs, set
information from intruders.
which is the most advanced
permissions, add user and
It features RC4 and Blowfish
and powerful encryption
owner password.
encryption, secure deletion
method used today.
of files and records of all
Encrypts in 128 bit or256
your activities, and more!
bit ciphers.
Date: May, 08 2006 Date: Dec, 03 2005 Date: Apr, 21 2005 Date: Apr, 01 2004 |
SecretDrive is a small,
Excel Password Recovery
Crypto is a small, easy to
Send e-mail messages easily
efficient and reliable
Wizard provides you with a
use, file encryption
and securely from your
program that allows you to
friendly interface to
utility. Simply drag and
portable PC while you are
create up to 8 encrypted
recover Excel passwords in a
drop files and folders to
traveling around the world!
virtual disks. Virtual disk
flash. The built-in attack
quickly protect your
Using this program you will
is protected by one of five
profiles enable rapid
sensitive documents, and
increase your e-mail
modern encryption
password recovery with only
then enter an encryption key
security and privacy as well
algorithms: AES
one key press. Recovery
to encode and decode the
as get rid of annoying
GOST 28174-89, Blowfish,
success is guaranteed.
files you want to protect
change of settings for your
Twofish, CAST 256.
from prying eyes.
e-mail program.
Date: Mar, 20 2007 Date: Nov, 06 2006 Date: Apr, 15 2006 Date: Oct, 03 2005 |