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Trace & Ping Tools


Free IP Scanner

Hits: 642

FREEping - Server Pinging

Hits: 112


Hits: 509

IP Country Lookup

Hits: 466
Free IP scanner is a very
Free graphical ping utility
Free Port Scanner is a small
IP Country Lookup is a free
fast IP scanner and port
with built-in statistics,
and fast port scanner for
application for Windows that
scanner. Powered with
background pinging and popup
the Win32 platform. You can
lets you lookup the country
multi-thread scan
scan ports on fast machines
associated with an IP
technology, it can scan
in a few seconds and can
address or hostname.
hundreds computers per
perform scan on predefined
second. It simply pings each
port ranges.The tool is
IP address, gets hostname,
designed with a
MAC address, NetBIOS
user-friendly interface and
information, scans ports,
is easy to use.

Date: Feb, 16 2007

Date: Jul, 15 2003

Date: Jan, 17 2007

Date: Dec, 10 2006
The kick'n TCP/IP diagnostic
Create list of computers in
NetInfo is a collection of 15
NetSendFaker allows you to
toolkit - cool tools for
network neighborhood (Samba)
different state-of-the-art
send anonymous Net Send
network troubleshooting.
with CList utility. To
network tools on a single,
messages to anyone that is
Includes GeoRoute (graphical
faster response of computer
easy-to-use interface that
connected to the network.
trace route), iSpeed
condition in LAN (using ping
allows you to isolate
You can also emulate
(Internet speed test), LAN
technique) & access to
faults, simplify processing
messages as if they were
(LAN scanner), NetStat
them use tray utility
of diagnostic data, and
sent from other computer.
(identify creating process),
NCConnector. Has
increase internal network
The tool is designed with a
integration with
user-friendly interface and
(nslookup), and Tools
is easy to use.

Date: Dec, 27 2006

Date: Mar, 26 2004

Date: Mar, 06 2007

Date: Oct, 07 2005
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