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Trace & Ping Tools



Hits: 647

Free IP Scanner

Hits: 642

PingPlotter Standard Edition

Hits: 628


Hits: 509
WinSuperKit is a powerful
Free IP scanner is a very
PingPlotter Standard is a
Free Port Scanner is a small
network, file compare
fast IP scanner and port
network monitoring and
and fast port scanner for
toolkit that helps you to
scanner. Powered with
troubleshooting tool. It
the Win32 platform. You can
get ip address and
multi-thread scan
runs in the background
scan ports on fast machines
geographical location,
technology, it can scan
collecting, and then allows
in a few seconds and can
capture network packet,
hundreds computers per
you to quickly look at the
perform scan on predefined
monitor network speed.
second. It simply pings each
data when you experience
port ranges.The tool is
IP address, gets hostname,
problems (bad call quality
designed with a
MAC address, NetBIOS
for VoIP, slowdowns with
user-friendly interface and
information, scans ports,
applications, etc.).
is easy to use.

Date: Jun, 22 2006

Date: Feb, 16 2007

Date: Feb, 14 2005

Date: Jan, 17 2007
Advanced graphical traceroute
IP Country Lookup is a free
AdRem iTools is a networking
ActiveWhois returns important
with charting, ip location
application for Windows that
toolset combining Ping,
information on websites and
maps, whois, performance
lets you lookup the country
Traceroute, DNS Lookup, SNMP
IRC/Instant Message/chat
testing, firewall detection,
associated with an IP
nicknames or attacking
and much more
address or hostname.
hackers. Locate individuals
scanner, and more. The
or organizations with postal
tools’ output can be saved
address including country
to a file (text, XML, HMTL,
for the domain or IP address
or Excel), while Ping or
holder, all with a single
Traceroute tests can be

Date: Dec, 19 2006

Date: Dec, 10 2006

Date: Dec, 12 2006

Date: Oct, 25 2006
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