BeamFile is a free tool that
Manolito is a file-sharing
What is WinMX Music? WinMX
ShareControl is a helping
lets you easily send and
program that uses a
Music is a FREE file-sharing
tool to move all downloaded
receive files of any
peer-to-peer network and
program like no other. It
files into another folder
Use BeamFile to
works without a central
allows you to connect,
immediately after a file
safely and easily send and
server. Search and get free
download, and share files
download is completed. This
receive heavy files such as
music downloads from the
with MILLIONS of other users
method helps to prevent
pictures, presentations and
entire network of users.
through the decentralized
other people from getting
videos. Recipients don’t
Also offers buddy list,
Peer Network.
these files (upload) before
even need to have BeamFile
integrated chat, firewall
you check its contents.
support and CD burner.
Date: May, 25 2006 Date: Oct, 07 2006 Date: May, 26 2006 Date: Mar, 02 2007 |
BitPump is a Bittorrent
Ares Galaxy P2P Plus is a
Ares Galaxy Super Speed is a
Morpheus Speed Optimizer is a
client that provides easy
FREE P2P file sharing client
unique download-acceleration
unique download-acceleration
download management via
that can search and download
program that will make your
program that will make your
.torrent files. Rather than
files from Ares Galaxy file
life easier by speeding up
life easier by speeding up
coming from a single server,
sharing network like
Ares Galaxy downloads
Morpheus downloads
files are transferred in
Gnutella, Kazaa and Morpheus
considerably. Search P2P net
bits via a p2p network of
with great speed. It has
much faster, exchange &
other .torrent
built-in media player, media
sort files easier, interact
users/clients, allowing for
organizer and chat.
high-speed downloads.
Date: Nov, 14 2005 Date: Dec, 15 2005 Date: Mar, 07 2007 Date: Feb, 12 2007 |