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/** Search */

File Sharing & Peer to Peer


Kazaa Acceleration Patch

Hits: 448

Ares Gold

Hits: 448

eMule Turbo Accelerator

Hits: 447
Easy-to-use HTTP and FTP
Kazaa Acceleration Patch
Ares Gold is a free file
eMule Turbo Accelerator is a
server is at your service.
(KZAP) is powerful add-on
sharing program that builds
new add-on for eMule file
You don't have to be a
tool to increase speed of
on the latest P2P technology
sharing program
system administrator to
your Kazaa
to offer a unique and
understand how it works,
exciting user experience.
simply press a button and
Ares Gold completely
your friends will be able to
eliminates the performance
download some of your files
problems that have plagued
via Internet or LAN.
other P2P networks.

Date: Feb, 21 2007

Date: Feb, 16 2007

Date: Oct, 18 2006

Date: Mar, 02 2007
eMule File Swap is a FREE P2P
BearShare Acceleration Patch
LimeWire SpeedUp PRO is a
Shareaza Pro is a free
software to exchange and
is an add-on for people who
high-end module for LimeWire
Windows-based peer-to-peer
search MP3, Video as well as
use BearShare P2P file
file sharing application,
client which empowers users
other different file types.
sharing utility to
developed to resolve
to share, search for
It provides great search
download music, movies,
problems like: slow
and download any type of
capabilities, automatic
books and any other files.
downloads and
media files on most poplar
error checking and
disconnections, traffic
P2P network protocols
correction while downloading
congestion, improving
including Gnutella,
files, has IRC client.
download speed and
Gnutella2, eDonkey/eMule,

Date: Aug, 25 2006

Date: Feb, 16 2007

Date: Mar, 13 2007

Date: Feb, 28 2007
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