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Voip Solution

Hits: 348

IdentaFone Pro

Hits: 284


Hits: 738
Get your free VOIP Solution
Get your free Answering
Call logging software that
fring uses your mobile
software with answering
machine with free voicemail
offers many ways to keep you
internet connection to make
machine with free voicemail
account. No charges, no
informed about your caller's
peer-to-peer VoIP calls,
account. No charges, no
strings, completely free
identity including speech,
send instant messages and
strings, completely free
phone number you can give
paging, PCS/GMS, email and
talk with VoIP applications
phone number you can give
out as your own. You get
screen pops over a LAN.
such as Skype, MSN messenger
out as your own. You get
free voice mail answering
Includes call blocking,
and Google Talk, at no extra
free voice mail answering
machine included for free
speed dialer and phonebook.
cost. Support GPRS, EDGE,
machine included for free
CDMA, 3G, WiFi &
Blutooth wireless

Date: Feb, 05 2007

Date: Feb, 02 2007

Date: Feb, 02 2007

Date: Jan, 31 2007
Get your free Answering
TAPICall turns your desktop
This program is ideal for
Create, edit, and backup
machine with free voicemail
PC into a highly efficient
individuals and call centres
phonebook entries using your
account. No charges, no
CTI work station by means of
that need to make telephone
PC and stop typing in
strings, completely free
Outlook add-in, Popup of
calls to Canadian residents
information using the mobile
phone number you can give
your contacts by Phone
and businesses. It lets you
phone's keypad. Manage your
out as your own. You get
number, Journal entry,
search through an online
PIN codes, transfer data
free voice mail answering
Operates with any up-to-date
telephone directory and call
from one SIM/USIM to
machine included for free
PBX or ISDN controller,
everyone on the search
another, backup and
Nontutorial handling,
result from anywhere in the
export/import all phonebook

Date: Jan, 29 2007

Date: Jan, 23 2007

Date: Jan, 17 2007

Date: Jan, 17 2007
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