
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */




Hits: 396

Best Phone

Hits: 358


Hits: 64

soft Phone

Hits: 899
FREE Phone is a free
Best Phone is a free
Best_phone_2007 is a free
soft Phone is a free
downloadable soft phone
downloadable soft phone
downloadable soft phone
downloadable soft phone
which enables you to make
which enables you to make
which enables you to make
which enables you to make
calls from pc to pc, pc to
calls from pc to pc, pc to
calls from pc to pc, pc to
calls from pc to pc, pc to
mobile and pc to landline.
mobile and pc to landline.
mobile and pc to landline.
mobile and pc to landline.
FREE Phone offers you a free
Best Pho offers you a free
Best_phone_2006 offers you a
soft Phone offers you a free
phone number to make free pc
phone number to make free pc
Best_phone_2006 number to
phone number to make free pc
to pc calls and receive
to pc calls and receive
make free pc to pc calls and
to pc calls and receive
unlimited free incoming
unlimited free incoming
receive unlimited free
unlimited free incoming
calls from any phone.
calls from any phone.
incoming calls from any
calls from any phone.

Date: Apr, 20 2006

Date: Apr, 20 2006

Date: Apr, 20 2006

Date: Apr, 19 2006
piAccess Mail converts
Call411 is a free and simple
SMS Flirt Blaster is freeware
Free VOIP / SIP phone. Use
received messages into email
to use Call Display
sending SMS from your
your PC as a phone. Works
messages using the standard
application. It features
desktop. Features are: Text
with any SIP/ VOIP provider/
POP3 protocol. It also
automatic caller's number
SMS with 160 characters,
phone service. Easy to use
allows you to send messages
and name identification,
operator logos, ringtones,
interface to transfer,
using the standard SMTP
customizable ringtones, and
Picture messages <a
forward calls or set-up
speech call announce with
conference calls. Free
talking Caller ID. Call411
download from
has a built-in phone book.

Date: Apr, 19 2006

Date: Mar, 20 2006

Date: Mar, 18 2006

Date: Feb, 07 2006
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