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/** Search */

Dial Up & Connection Tools


BySoft InternetPal

Hits: 118

BySoft StayAlive Pro

Hits: 1167


Hits: 745


Hits: 126
InternetPal is 32-bit
StayAlive Pro is freeware
NetScream is a tool for all
Throttle is a tool for all
win95/98/NT/2000/XP program
program that simulates
that allows you to modify
that allows you to modify
for monitoring Internet
Internet activity so you
your modem settings to
your modem settings to
connection. Automatically
don't get disconnected from
increase internet
increase internet
monitors calls and detects
your ISP. - Works with
performance up to 200% or
performance up to 200% or
connection types. It runs in
modem, adsl or cable
higher!! No modifications
higher!! No modifications
the system tray. Detailed
connections - Simulates
to your hardware are made
to your hardware are made
information about the
Internet activity through
and all adjustments and
and all adjustments and
connections is stored into
HTTP or PING - Nag window
settings are done in an easy
settings are done in an easy
the log. Freeware!
removing - Freeware!
to use interface.
to use interface.

Date: Apr, 15 2007

Date: Apr, 15 2007

Date: Mar, 21 2007

Date: Mar, 21 2007
A powerful software that
Turbo Internet Booster is an
Turbo Internet Accelerator is
Predictive dialer and
enables you to create
application, which easily
a program that corrects two
automatic dialer for
wireless hotspots using your
solves two of the most well
of the most famous Internet
telemarketing. It can dial
wireless router or wifi card.
known Internet problems:
problems: slow connection
phone numbers, play audio
slow connection
performances, undesirable
messages, transfer calls,
performances, undesirable
disconnections. Also, the
and record conversations,
disconnections. Also, the
application includes other
all by the press of a key.
program includes other
useful features.
useful features.

Date: Mar, 09 2007

Date: Mar, 07 2007

Date: Feb, 26 2007

Date: Feb, 20 2007
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