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Dial Up & Connection Tools


BVRP Connection Manager Pro

Hits: 580

Stay Live 2000

Hits: 611

LucidLink Wireless Client

Hits: 1192

Flexiblesoft Dialer XP Lite

Hits: 60
BVRP Connection Manager Pro
Does your Internet Service
LucidLink Wireless Client is
Flexiblesoft Dialer XP Lite
automatically detects
Provider drop your dial-up
easy to use & solves
is a Professional phone
available networks and
connection after what seems
Wi-Fi connection issues.
dialing system. Connect,
automates creation and
like only nanoseconds of
Automatically detects
Reconnect & Redial, and
management of connection and
account inactivity? Stay
network security settings,
Disconnect from the Net
security settings. Allows
Live 2000 keeps your
alerts for incompatible
easily, quickly, and even
seamless migration between
Internet Dial-Up Connection
settings and suspected
multiple networks - either
active and on-line by
security threats. Supports
LAN or wireless - for mobile
periodically sending a small
open, WEP, WPA-PSK and
TCP/IP packet.
LucidLink secured networks.

Date: Jun, 10 2005

Date: May, 22 2005

Date: Apr, 01 2005

Date: Mar, 16 2005
Award winning 3 in 1 solution
InJoy offers unattended
PhoneBook - It is the
TICK is probably the ultimate
- advanced Internet dialer,
operation, robust [24/7]
electronic address book.
freeware dial up enhancer.
time synchronizer and proxy
connections, Firewall
Address book can be used for
Logs all dial up networking
server. It can redial
protection, Internet
storage of the information
calls. Uses no runtime
multiple lines, restore
Gateway, and powerful IPSec
about your familiar,
files and has popup digital
broken connections,
VPN capability. It's the
friends, corporations, etc.
display, IP Address finder,
calculate online time, cost
perfect choice for dial-up
Storage Name, Surname,
web notify tools, finger,
and traffic, launch and
based embedded systems,
birthday, the address, home
ping and lots more.
close programs, synchronize
mobile workers and the
and other.
clock and so on.
home-network gateway.

Date: Jun, 17 2004

Date: May, 10 2004

Date: Feb, 04 2004

Date: Oct, 28 2002
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