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Health & Nutrition



Hits: 96

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator

Hits: 535


Hits: 112
BAL2000 is an expert system
Basal metabolic Rate
BMR Calculator will help you
BeatScanner lets you workout
helping to analyse and
Calculator is a software
know the number of calories
play lists from your music
interpret the
program for Windows. It
you need daily to maintain
by scanning your music files
bronchoalveolar lavage
allows you to calculate your
your weight. Your BMR is
and detecting the beat tempo
specimen. If you like and
BMR, the amount of energy
influenced by a number of
of each file. The results
use the program send a
your body spends while at
factors: gender, age,
can then be queried to match
postcard to Juha Nickels,
rest to maintain vital body
height, weight, body
your workout rate and
MD. PhD.
functions such as breathing,
composition, stress,
assembled to create your
heartbeat and digestion.
environmental temperature
perfect workout play list.
and other.

Date: Feb, 27 2006

Date: Feb, 26 2007

Date: Feb, 10 2006

Date: Mar, 05 2007
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Date: Mar, 22 2007

Date: Oct, 31 2006

Date: Dec, 21 2006

Date: Mar, 25 2005
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