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Health & Nutrition


Step Counter Wizard

Hits: 515

Stress Buster

Hits: 835

Stress Management

Hits: 104

StretchWare IE

Hits: 69
Step Counter Software to use
Ergonomic software, or break
This Stress therapy shareware
StretchWare IE - is the
with your pedometer
reminder software, designed
version can be upgraded to
computer software that
to prevent Repetitive Strain
the full version for $35
reminds you to stretch.Every
Injury (RSI) and other
payment to PayPal. Begin the
day millions of computer
computer related health
therapy now with this two
users feel the back pain,
problems. It runs quietly in
week trial version. Computer
stiff muscles, tight joints
the background, monitoring
Home therapy has made the PC
and stress brought on by
your activity and reminding
into an excellent tool for
long hours sitting at a desk
you to take regular breaks.
and using a computer.

Date: Apr, 04 2006

Date: Jun, 03 2005

Date: Aug, 19 2004

Date: Dec, 21 2006
The software 'OPEN POINT'
Current version allows a
Software for instant and
Application for working with
includes 4 independent
practitioner to test 24
effective self-hypnosis with
subliminal affirmations.
methods of treatment: Open
points according to
subliminal messages. Control
Includes a large number of
point, Mjeng,
Ryodoraku method and show
your weight, improve your
subliminal messages for
magnetotherapy, color
meridians imbalance.
skin state, build your
different purposes, includes
self-esteem- it's all easy
many categories:
with Subliminal Flash. Start
self-esteem, weight loss,
enjoying your life
motivation, skin
today.Subliminal messages
improvement, etc. Operates
will help you.
with short time intervals.

Date: Feb, 02 2006

Date: Mar, 24 2007

Date: Jul, 30 2006

Date: Oct, 31 2006
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