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Health & Nutrition


BySoft Food Additives

Hits: 716

BySoft Free BMI Calculator

Hits: 960

Wildsoft Weightloss Program

Hits: 179

Personality type test

Hits: 120639
Check if the food you buy
Easily calculate your body
WildSoft Weight Loss Program
This test determines your
contains additives dangerous
mass index. Just enter your
- Detailed management of
psychological state and
to your health. Have you
weight, height and sex and
your daily food intake. The
personality type. It is very
ever wondered what all of
BMI Calculator will indicate
key features include 1.
accurate and if you like
those e-numbers actually
if your are underweight,
Visible is your daily weight
prsonality quizzes- try it
mean? This free application
normal, overweight or obese,
2. daily caloric-intake 3.
out, you will like it. This
contains list of food
and what is your ideal
daily calories burned 4.
is the most accurate
additives by e-number or by
weight. It will put you on
bodily measurements 5. meal
personality type test for
name telling you which to
dynamic chart. Freeware!
with the nutritional values
today, this program is free.

Date: Apr, 15 2007

Date: Apr, 15 2007

Date: Apr, 15 2007

Date: Apr, 06 2007
The Home Audiometer Hearing
BMI Calculator is free
Current version allows a
This is for anyone who wants
Test Windows software turns
software to estimate your
practitioner to test 24
to lose weight and change
your PC into an audiometer,
Body Mass Index (BMI) and
points according to
their life. No mattter what
a machine you can use to
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).
Ryodoraku method and show
type of will you have, you
test your hearing through a
This information tells you
meridians imbalance.
will be able to lose weight
standard sound card and
about your body composition,
and change your life if you
metabolism and if you need
follow the plan I made for
to start dieting to prevent
health risk related to

Date: Apr, 01 2007

Date: Mar, 25 2007

Date: Mar, 24 2007

Date: Mar, 23 2007
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