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Health & Nutrition


Royal Culinary Package

Hits: 98


Hits: 380

BrainWave Blaster

Hits: 648
Simple calculator for
So you want to eat like the
FuzzyFluid is an expert
Stimulate your brain in 2
calculating Body Fat
kings and queens? Now you
system using fuzzy logic and
minutes! All you need is
Percentage on your
can without spending a
fuzzy functions to
earphones. Just put on the
BlackBerry handheld. It
fortune. You'll find
interpret cerebrospinal
earphones and let BrainWave
calculates Body Fat
many recipes that are sure
fluid data (cytology,
Blaster take you to the
Percentage with the help of
to please even the pickiest
glucose concentration and
state of mind you want.
rules applied in U.S. Army
eater. Enjoy a home cooked
protein levels).
stanards set forth in AR
meal just like Mom used to

Date: Mar, 15 2006

Date: Mar, 10 2006

Date: Mar, 04 2006

Date: Mar, 04 2006
The SIGHT TRAINER is a simple
Calorie Counter includes a
BAL2000 is an expert system
It is an easy-to-use program
and easy-to-use application
large database-- counting
helping to analyse and
with advanced Outlook style
developed to help people
calories in over a thousand
interpret the
calendar which helps you to
suffering of MYOPIA,
foods including fast foods
bronchoalveolar lavage
watch your regular or
such as McDonalds, Burger
specimen. If you like and
irregular menstrual cycles,
King and Pizza Hut. Calorie
use the program send a
shows the fertile days,
ASTYGMATYSM or just loosing
Counter calculates your
postcard to Juha Nickels,
ovulation days, predicts
sight with monitor.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
MD. PhD.
your baby's gender and you
calorie requirements and BMI.
can easily print your

Date: Mar, 03 2006

Date: Feb, 27 2006

Date: Feb, 27 2006

Date: Feb, 23 2006
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