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Screen Savers: Science


Hyperspace 3D

Hits: 198

Free Windows Vista Screensaver

Hits: 185

Wator Screensaver

Hits: 679
Der Bildschirmschoner
Hyperspace 3D is a pure
This cool screensaver
It simulates artificial life
Sonnensystem 3D ist ein
animated desktop 3d
features new polished
on your screen. Wator is a
visuell ansprechendes Modell
wallpaper which allows you
Windows Vista with its
toroidal world, covered
unseres Sonnensystems mit
to animate your desktop with
eye-catching graphics. Put
entirely with water. It is
all seinen Planeten und
the effect of hyperspace,
it on your desktop and bring
populated with two species:
ihren dazugehoerigen
and a screen saver which can
a brand new look to your
fishes and sharks.
Trabanten, welche
work in wallpaper mode or
screen. This is something
detailliert abgebildet
fullscreen mode.
that you may feast your eyes
werden und ungemein
realistisch wirken.

Date: Apr, 17 2007

Date: Mar, 15 2007

Date: Mar, 05 2007

Date: Feb, 26 2007
It shows various 3D shapes
It draws liquid surface
This screensaver simulates a
Watch the realistic 3D newton
rotating and morphing one to
animated in 3D by marching
fabulous sonar detector
pendulum and let your mind
another. There are 20 shapes
cubes algorithm.
dropped to deeps somewhere
take a deep breath of quiet
- cube, sphere, torus,
in ocean. It displays
far away from all the
tetrahedron, octahedron and
operator's display where
trouble of the busy world.
located famous circular
Full 3D environment with
screen with rotating beam
amazing amount of details
and many other information.
and high-quality 3D
It also allows leaving
on-screen messages.

Date: Feb, 26 2007

Date: Feb, 26 2007

Date: Jan, 26 2007

Date: Jan, 19 2007
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