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Screen Savers: Science


Saturn 3D Space Tour

Hits: 73

Mars 3D Space Tour

Hits: 98

Moon 3D Space Tour

Hits: 106

Earth from Cosmos Screensaver

Hits: 438
Saturn's ring system makes
Mars is a single planet,
Pretend you're an astronaut
The Earth from Cosmos
the planet one of the most
possible to colonize in
and circle the moon from the
Screensaver shows images of
beautiful objects in the
nearest future... World of
comfort of your own desk
our planet. On your display:
solar system. It was
greatest hurricanes, endless
with this screensaver. Watch
Best cosmic pictures of the
difficult to reflect it's
red deserts, highest
as the moon appears before
Earth, a view of mainlands
beauty by computer
mountains and frozen water
you, complete with real
and countries, magic images
simulation, but using modern
resources. Screensaver
craters and mountains.
of atmosphere. The screen
3D technologies we tried to
features true
OpenGL 3D rendering engine
saver includes 30 amazing
gain maximum possible
photo-realistic 3D-animated
provides true
realism in this animation.
space scenes from Martian
photo-realistic quality.

Date: Oct, 05 2003

Date: Oct, 05 2003

Date: Oct, 05 2003

Date: Feb, 01 2003
The StarStrider screen saver
The screen saver shows on a
allows you to use
green background red and
FMJ-Software's StarStrider
white blood cells in
planetarium software as
different animations. You
the pinnacle of 'space
can select the animation
travel screen savers'. View
type, the animation speed
the planets & moons of
and the type of blood cells
our solar system + 118000
you want to see.
stars + spectacular
galaxies, cluster &

Date: Nov, 26 2002

Date: Sep, 20 2000
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