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Clocks & Alarms


Click Clock

Hits: 191

Clock Analog

Hits: 423

Clock Digital

Hits: 108

Clock Tray Skins

Hits: 1888
Animated weather radar &
This program displays the
This program displays the
Advanced replacement for
satellite, local temperature
current time in a large easy
current time in a large easy
standard Windows tray clock.
in tray, local weather,
to read display. This
to read display. This
See the time, day, date and
internet time sync, sun/moon
program is perfect for
program is perfect for
system UpTime in different
rise, map, animated moon
people who have a hard time
people who have a hard time
skins. Displays the time for
phase, planets, eclipse,
reading the time display on
reading the time display on
any of the time zones. Over
equinox/solstice, meteors,
the PC and prefer an analog
the PC and prefer a digital
100 skins are included in
dictionary, thesaurus,
display. The text and back
the distribution. It's also
calculator, full year
ground color are
an atomic-time synchronizer.
calendar, 27 holidays

Date: Mar, 04 2007

Date: Dec, 07 2004

Date: Jul, 08 2004

Date: Mar, 13 2007
View the time, day, and date
A nice analog clock to put on
ClockDummy! is an atomic
Did you ever think of
in different skins in the
your desktop, now with
clock, which can say the
nice-looking clock on your
Windows system tray clock.
customizable alarms! Choose
time with a real human
desktop? Please take a look
Clock Tray Skins is the
between twentyfive
voice, and enhance your
at the screenshot to see
advanced replacement for
predefined skins, or create
standard taskbar clock with
what kind of clocks you will
standard Windows tray clock.
your own! Clock! v2 will
custom graphics, month, and
have. ClockWallpaper - clock
Over 50 skins are included
always stay on top of other
seconds. ClockDummy! is the
and wallpaper for Desktop.
in the distribution. It's
windows, so you will never
ultimate addon to the
This alarm clock sits on
also an atomic-time
miss the time!
standard taskbar clock and
your desktop as wallpaper.
it's easy to use!

Date: Jan, 14 2006

Date: Feb, 07 2006

Date: Mar, 18 2007

Date: Aug, 29 2006
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