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Clocks & Alarms


Vinade Reminder

Hits: 468

Virtual Stopwatch

Hits: 425

Virtual Stopwatch Pro

Hits: 124

Visual eNote Desktop Edition

Hits: 1181
Virtual Stopwatch is a
Virtual Stopwatch Pro is a
A featured reminder and
feature packed clock program
feature packed clock program
scheduler for Windows. It
for Windows 9x, NT, 2000, or
for Windows 9x, NT, 2000, or
can help you keep in mind
XP. It functions as a
XP. It functions as a
important information by
stopwatch, a timer, or a
stopwatch, a timer, or a
displaying skinnable sticky
clock. It features a time
clock. It features a time
notes on your Windows
logging system, user defined
logging system, user defined
desktop or sent reminder to
alarms, and a configurable
alarms, and a configurable
the desktop of any other PC
graphic analog/digital
graphic analog/digital
that on the network

Date: May, 08 2005

Date: May, 13 2006

Date: May, 13 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2005
A featured reminder and
Wallpaper Sequencer Ultra is
Very small 'desktop' timer
Very small 'dragable' timer
scheduler for Windows. It
a new, more powerful
watch, with date and alarms.
watch. To set the alarm,
can help you keep in mind
wallpaper manager with
Has a few other configurable
double click on 'body' of
important information by
expanded capabilities, such
options. To set the alarm,
watch. To move, drag it's
displaying skinnable sticky
as desktop clock skins of
double click on 'body' of
window arround with mouse.
notes on your Windows
various types. Don't worry
watch. To move, just drag
desktop or sent reminder to
about wallpaper sizes,
it's window arround with
the desktop of any other PC
formats and resolutions -
that on the network
the program fits everything

Date: Mar, 29 2005

Date: Jul, 20 2006

Date: May, 25 2003

Date: Jul, 31 2003
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