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Helpdesk & Remote PC


WorkOrder XP

Hits: 400

Request Tracker

Hits: 613

VueChat Enterprise Server

Hits: 581

Problem Solved

Hits: 506
With workOrder XP you it will
For help desks or any type of
VueChat is a Customer Service
Problem Solved! 4.6 is an
be able to manage work
call center. Quickly build
software for the Government
easy to use help desk
orders and services. It
a database to manage and
and Corporations, web based,
program with both a Windows
includes maintenance
track requests made by
featured with live video
and web interface for
scheduling, service status,
customers. Easily search
chat, VoIP and Customer
recording, updating and
supply control, and more.
the database of past
Relationship Management
reporting on problems and
Connect to WorkOrder using
problems and solutions.
(CRM) functions.
their solutions. It also
the web.
Output your data to reports,
allows for quick updating of
html pages or export to
PC, software and peripherals
other software.

Date: Mar, 01 2005

Date: Feb, 17 2005

Date: Jan, 01 2005

Date: Dec, 28 2004
Available as a standalone
LogOnMyPC is the next level
CafeMan is the virtual cyber
Call Centre is comprehensive,
application or as an
Web-based service that
cafe manager who works for
fast and easy to use support
integrated module of DNA,
allows you to remote control
you automating the whole
desk software for businesses
NetSupport Helpdesk is a
your office PC or network
process of you cafe
dealing with customers
powerful and wholly web
from any Internet-connected
management, billing, keeping
problems and service
based solution providing
computer include wireless
track of activities, etc.
requests. With Call Centre
detailed recording and
PDA even if both sides
you can record and resolve
tracking of user Help
behind firewall.
problems, monitor your
business performance and
much more.

Date: Nov, 29 2004

Date: Jul, 04 2004

Date: Jan, 01 2004

Date: Aug, 11 2003
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