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/** Search */

Helpdesk & Remote PC


Problem Solved

Hits: 507

QUAD Help Desk Pro Edition 2006

Hits: 595

Razor helpdesk 3U

Hits: 91

RemotePass Access

Hits: 80
Problem Solved! 4.6 is an
Affordable, easy to user,
Razordesk is a fully featured
RemotePass enables you to
easy to use help desk
multiuser ready windows
Web Helpdesk IT ticketing
take over any computer from
program with both a Windows
based customer support
system. Features include
anywhere in less than 10
and web interface for
software with user logins
windows style user
seconds! The only
recording, updating and
and procedure security.
interface, contracts,
requirement is an internet
reporting on problems and
QUAD Help Desk Pro Edition
notifications, reporting,
connection! RemotePass works
their solutions. It also
2006 is easy enough to get
jeopardy warning and much
transparantly through
allows for quick updating of
installed and in operation
more. Free Edition supports
Firewalls, Proxy servers and
PC, software and peripherals
on your lunch hour. No per
3 simultaneous users. Easy
any other type of security
user charges.
to install.

Date: Dec, 28 2004

Date: Feb, 28 2006

Date: Oct, 23 2006

Date: Nov, 01 2006
Schreiben Sie viele E-Mails?
For help desks or any type of
Shut Up And Reboot! is an
Sinergia is an open source,
Dann brauchen Sie
call center. Quickly build
affordable, easy to use,
web based, help desk
ReplyButler! Ihr
a database to manage and
multi-user ready help desk
solution, developed in C#
persönlicher Butler
track requests made by
program. This new version
using version 3 of the .NET
formuliert die namentlichen
customers. Easily search
has a totally redesigned
framework. Among the
Anreden, verwaltet Ihre
the database of past
interface and includes
supported features are: Case
Standardtexte und sortiert
problems and solutions.
several integrated charts
Management, Case Type
Ihre Mails. Jetzt probieren!
Output your data to reports,
and graphs. Query and Report
customization. Reports.
html pages or export to
Wizards make it easy to
Query case history. Users
other software.
analyze data.

Date: Mar, 12 2007

Date: Feb, 17 2005

Date: Dec, 11 2005

Date: Apr, 08 2007
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