
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Accounting & Finance


Clockshop Lite

Hits: 486

Code Validator

Hits: 334


Hits: 382
ClipCount is ideal for fast
Clockshop Lite, is an easy to
Public domain software to
Coge XP e' un ottimo software
text count in any file or
use time keeper, lets you
cross validate phone number
di contabilita' generale,
program. Just select text
find and release hidden time
area codes, zip codes and
contabilita' IVA, internet
you want to count and press
resources. It tracks the
state codes. Useful in
style da scaricare subito.
CTRL+C keys (or any other
time you spend working with
verifying or cleaning up
combination you select) and
your applications and
such codes in data files.
window with count results
documents. With only two
This is a command line
appears in the bottom right
mouse clicks you can create
program for data cleanup.
corner of the screen.
a timer and begin to track

Date: Jan, 28 2006

Date: Jan, 21 2007

Date: Nov, 26 2006

Date: Dec, 15 2006
Collection System for Small
Commercial Invoice is an easy
Hotel Reservation Software is
Professional contact manager
Accounts to contact and call
to use program that allows
a system designed as an
designed for offices and
for overdue invoices. Get
you to enter items to be
entry level to computerised
networks. Keeps track of
one FREE collection by a
sold or services to be
hotel / motel management.
incoming and outgoing
professional collection
rendered and generate custom
This software was created to
e-mail, phone calls,
agency for trying Collect
invoices. These invoices
allow hotel / motel managers
letters, faxes, etc.
are printable, and the
to take instant control of
Seamless interface to Word,
program stores all invoices
their business.
Wordperfect and Winfax.
to be easily recalled or
User defined fields, quick

Date: Aug, 24 2004

Date: Apr, 17 2007

Date: Feb, 01 2006

Date: Sep, 08 2006
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