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Polls and Voting


Vizu.com: Poll Community

Hits: 732

BFN Polls

Hits: 709

Bravenet VoteCaster

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FlyLip Interactive Suite

Hits: 688
Vizu is a resource to help
Allow your users to vote for
Bravenet VoteCaster lets your
Hosted Message Board, Survey,
people understand issues,
a custom list of items.
visitors cast their votes on
Guestbook and Poll. Simple
from serious to silly, that
Prevents multiple votes by a
any topics you choose. It
site integration, fast, easy
are a matter of opinion.
single user, and offers a
features: Customize the
cut & paste setup, works
Vizu uses interactive polls
bar graph of results. No
title graphic, the title and
will all browsers and server.
to quickly aggregate
a sub-title description,
opinions on numerous issues
Choose any background
and presents the results
graphic and color, Pick
clearly. On Vizu people
suitable colors for the
speak their mind by voting
text, Ask up to ten
on or creating polls. They
questions with up to ten
can then see what the world
answers per question. Add
thinks about 1000's of
images to the questions or
topics and analyze or
to each answer, Allow
comment on results. Polls
statistics to be public or
can be easily shared with
private, Delete/edit
friends through email, IM,
questions, and IP banning.
and RSS functionality.
Vizu is also the perfect
polling platform for your
own blog or site. Our
customizable Poll
Configurator lets you match
the poll's appearance to
your site or blog. It is
easy to create and deploy
polls from Vizu.com and you
get the benefit of added
exposure from the Vizu.com
community with thousands of
voters every day.

Date: Jan, 07 2006

Date: Mar, 12 2004

Date: Jul, 18 1999

Date: Oct, 27 2003
123-Poll is a free remotely
A free remotely hosted voting
An easy to configure remotly
Get more returning visitors
hosted online poll service
station for your website. A
hosted web poll. Features
as well as important
that allows you to keep
great way of adding
include: Ask any question
information information from
track on your visitors
interactivity, and finding
you like, Unlimited possible
them with this powerful
opinion and make them come
out what your visitors think.
responses to your question,
tool. Features include: it
back to follow the exciting
Set the number of votes for
fits right on your page-no
any of those responses,
linking to another page to
Choose from any of our
vote or see results from the
different styles, Logs a
poll, choose between text
number of IPs that you set,
results, bar-graph results,
so a visitor can't vote more
or both, update the poll
than once per visit, Set the
without having to update the
maximum width of the image
HTML code, and just like
displayed in the poll
every other script on
results, Very easy to edit
WWWToolz, there are no ads
and create, The poll is
associated with this script.
hosted on RedTempest's
server, so you don't need to
know anything about CGI.

Date: Nov, 02 2001

Date: Feb, 06 2001

Date: Jun, 18 2001

Date: Apr, 05 2002
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