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Mailing List Managers


Email Marketing

Hits: 622

eToolHaven Mailing Lists

Hits: 350
Keep your visitors up to date
eVo76's email marketing tools
Email marketing - opt-in
Want access to the best
with your latest site
help you produce
magnet: Provides you with an
mailing list manager
changes or product news!
professional looking
opt-in magnet. This vital
available on the web today?
Send HTML or Plain text
newsletters that are
tool allows prospects and
Look at what you get :
messages and manage your
Affordable, Targeted,
customers to request emails
Double opt in/out,
list subscribers in our easy
Personal and Measurable.
from you. It also provides
HTML/Text, import/export,
to use Mailing List control
you with an easy-to-use
file attachments, impression
database manager that lets
counter, bounce/filter
you load in your existing
manager, unlimited
opt-in customers. Email
autoresponders, feature
marketing - opt-out manager:
packed, subscriber log in
Provides you with an opt-out
area, form generation with
manager. This tool –
up to 20 custom fields,
required by the new laws
searchable database. Want
–allows people to opt out of
more? It's got more.
your emails with the click
of a mouse. And it’s all
done for you
automatically....plus many
other functions

Date: Jan, 25 2006

Date: Dec, 18 2002

Date: Jul, 26 2005

Date: Jul, 14 2003
A hosted newsletter system
FanBlast! is a hosted
Our easy to use system,
Have your visitors sign up
that can be fully integrated
application that lets
allows you to easily send
for your mailing list so
into your sites design. Let
developers quickly provide a
and track emails. Track
that you can send them email
visitors sign up or sign out
rich content newsletter
click throughs, number of
updates. It features: Users
of your newsletter list,
system for their
opened messages, links they
can subscribe and
give them the option to
non-technical clients. It
clicked on, and opt-outs.
unsubscribe from your
choose HTML or plain Text
features full online account
mailing list quickly and
newsletters. Send out both
administration, multiple
easily through a simple
formats (or just one) with
address books, HTML,
form, and Sending out a
one click via the eyucca
template storage, subscriber
message to your subscribers
control center or one of
management, double opt-in
is made extremely simple
your own sites. Setup and
option, and more.
through the administration
select preferences via the
control center as well.
Perfect for commercial or
private use - no logos,
banners or ads shown.
Implement in your site and
layout, use in a frame or
even a pop up!

Date: Mar, 29 2004

Date: Jan, 17 2002

Date: Apr, 10 2006

Date: Nov, 22 1999
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