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Web-based Email



Hits: 517
SmartEmailer is a remotely
WebMail is a full featured
hosted online tool for email
online email processing
addresses extraction from
service offered to companies
the specified web page and
or individuals who want to
utilizing extracted
have their own email service
addresses for instant
@yourdomain.com. Each
message delivery. Message
WebMail (domain) account
texts can be prepared
comes with an Admin Panel,
beforehand and stored as a
where your company's web
template for calling when
administrator or IT person
needed. These texts can be
will have control of all
modified at any moment. Has
email accounts (create,
a user friendly and very
edit, change password). Each
cute interface. Email
user can choose between
addresses and message texts
using WebMail interface and
are stored in databases.
your favorite mail program
Developed with the help of
(Outlook Express or other)
WebToSQL universal database
or both. System is
affordable for personal use.
You can have your own
personal WebMail system
based on @mydomain.com and
serve your circle of friends
or family members impressing
them with your own
professional grade email
system. Prices begin at
$20.00 per month ($95 one
time set up fee – personal
accounts only) per up to 20
mail account (mailboxes),
plus your own Admin Panel

Date: Aug, 07 2000

Date: Aug, 25 2006
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