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Web-based Email


LanMail 2000

Hits: 493


Hits: 527
LanMail is a complete remote
SmartEmailer is a remotely
Email server that allows you
hosted online tool for email
to easily create and
addresses extraction from
maintain several Email
the specified web page and
accounts for your
utilizing extracted
organization under a common
addresses for instant
domain name. LanMail
message delivery. Message
provides direct Email access
texts can be prepared
from anywhere on the
beforehand and stored as a
Internet, Email forwarding
template for calling when
to any other Internet
needed. These texts can be
address and Email alias
modified at any moment. Has
broadcasting. No special
a user friendly and very
connection or equipment is
cute interface. Email
required. LanMail runs
addresses and message texts
remotely full time on
are stored in databases.
Dreamscape Online's network
Developed with the help of
servers. Through the simple
WebToSQL universal database
web page interface, you have
complete control over Email
accounts just like running
your own dedicated Email

Date: Aug, 07 2000

Date: Aug, 07 2000
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