Mail under pseudonymHits: 1152
***** is a free spam protected mail service. Only a human, not a robot, is able to send you a mail and your e-mail address remain unknown for senders. They know only pseudonyms of e-mail addresses called mt-addresses. After you have chosen a mt-address, you can publish it, even on web, without a thought on spam. Mail is created through the site web form and directed to your ordinary e-mail address.
There is a possibility to add your ad, description into The Adaptive Directory and to search it by up to 12 keywords.
At any moment you can:
add new mt-addresses having one login and password;
change, delete mt-addresses;
change the ad, description for public;
hide or open the ad, description for public;
on/off search with keywords;
stop getting mail for a certain address;
allow or disallow getting mail without e-mail addresses.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
Date: Apr, 14 2005 Author: Oleg Goryunov, {
Ratings}Number of Ratings: 295 Votes
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