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eMinder is a simple program
PopHotMail.com Key
Guerrilla Mail provides you
ReadNotify (a client/server
that lets users sign up to
Features: # 3000 Mb Email
with disposable e-mail
e-mail tracker system) tells
receive auto-reminders by
and File Storage. *hot # 1
addresses which expire after
you when, & where
email about a date they
E-mail Account
15 minutes. You can read and
(physical location) your
choose at a designated
(you@pophotmail.com) # 1
reply to e-mails that are
email gets opened, how long
interval before that date.
E-mail Alias
sent to the temporary e-mail
it's read, & whether or
Users may also select an
(your.alias@pophotmail.co m)
address within the given
not it's forwarded, printed,
option to view, edit, or
*hot # POP3 Access to
time frame.
saved. Return Receipts
delete any pending reminders.
download emails to your
delivered via SMS, ICQ, AIM,
favorite mail client, e.g.
Yahoo MSN Messenger, Email,
Outlook. #
Web, and/or pager. You can
also certify, secure,
e,Delete Messages from Your
retract, self-destruct,
Cell Phone. *hot # Share or
Exchange your Files or
& language-translate
Attachments with Other
emails. Our scripts work
Members. *hot # Can Preview
with all email clients &
E-mail for Quick Reading.
webmail services. Serverside
*hot # Import/Export Your
scripts require a dedicated
Microsoft Outlook Address
Unix server (POA)
Book. # Can send VCARD and
Request Read Receipt. #
Search Messages. # Rich
Text (HTML) Editor. #
Unlimited Forlders. # Block
Sender and Mail Filter
Features. # Advance Virus
and Spam Filter. # Mail
Guard (Sender
Validation). # Calendar. #
Tag your emails. # Up to 3
External POP3 E-mail. #
Vacation Reply and Much More

Date: Mar, 18 2004

Date: Jun, 24 2005

Date: Dec, 01 2006

Date: Dec, 09 2003
The Vanquish Virtual Service
is the perfect option for
businesses and resellers
that want enterprise-level
protection without any
hardware investment. All
anti-spam and anti-virus
functions are handled at a
Vanquish secure, Tier 1 data
center. Product
Highlights: Stops email
spam, viruses and identity
theft attempts. Eliminates
the bandwidth strain on your
network and/or mail
server(s) caused by spam.
Ensures delivery of
business-critical email by
not using filters that can
trap legitimate messages.
Provides delivery
confirmation with your
company’s unique branding.
Preserves your existing
email addresses. Supports
all mail servers (MS
Exchange, Domino, Sendmail,
Qmail, Postfix, and more…)

Date: Oct, 19 2005
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