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Hits: 748
Guerrilla Mail provides you
The Vanquish Virtual Service
PopHotMail.com Key
eMinder is a simple program
with disposable e-mail
is the perfect option for
Features: # 3000 Mb Email
that lets users sign up to
addresses which expire after
businesses and resellers
and File Storage. *hot # 1
receive auto-reminders by
15 minutes. You can read and
that want enterprise-level
E-mail Account
email about a date they
reply to e-mails that are
protection without any
(you@pophotmail.com) # 1
choose at a designated
sent to the temporary e-mail
hardware investment. All
E-mail Alias
interval before that date.
address within the given
anti-spam and anti-virus
(your.alias@pophotmail.co m)
Users may also select an
time frame.
functions are handled at a
*hot # POP3 Access to
option to view, edit, or
Vanquish secure, Tier 1 data
download emails to your
delete any pending reminders.
center. Product
favorite mail client, e.g.
Highlights: Stops email
Outlook. #
spam, viruses and identity
theft attempts. Eliminates
e,Delete Messages from Your
the bandwidth strain on your
Cell Phone. *hot # Share or
network and/or mail
Exchange your Files or
server(s) caused by spam.
Attachments with Other
Ensures delivery of
Members. *hot # Can Preview
business-critical email by
E-mail for Quick Reading.
not using filters that can
*hot # Import/Export Your
trap legitimate messages.
Microsoft Outlook Address
Provides delivery
Book. # Can send VCARD and
confirmation with your
Request Read Receipt. #
company’s unique branding.
Search Messages. # Rich
Preserves your existing
Text (HTML) Editor. #
email addresses. Supports
Unlimited Forlders. # Block
all mail servers (MS
Sender and Mail Filter
Exchange, Domino, Sendmail,
Features. # Advance Virus
Qmail, Postfix, and more…)
and Spam Filter. # Mail
Guard (Sender
Validation). # Calendar. #
Tag your emails. # Up to 3
External POP3 E-mail. #
Vacation Reply and Much More

Date: Dec, 01 2006

Date: Oct, 19 2005

Date: Jun, 24 2005

Date: Mar, 18 2004
ReadNotify (a client/server
e-mail tracker system) tells
you when, & where
(physical location) your
email gets opened, how long
it's read, & whether or
not it's forwarded, printed,
saved. Return Receipts
delivered via SMS, ICQ, AIM,
Yahoo MSN Messenger, Email,
Web, and/or pager. You can
also certify, secure,
retract, self-destruct,
& language-translate
emails. Our scripts work
with all email clients &
webmail services. Serverside
scripts require a dedicated
Unix server (POA)

Date: Dec, 09 2003
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