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/** Search */

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Hits: 257

Bean Software Search Control

Hits: 426
The product suite including
The product suite including
The .Net Word document
Bean Software Search Control
all Aspose office file
all Aspose reporting
reporting component which
is ASP.NET custom control
reading and writing
components such as
enables you to read and
that creates WHERE clause of
components such as
Aspose.Excel, Aspose.Word,
write Word documents without
SQL query to database.
Aspose.Excel, Aspose.Word
Aspose.Pdf, Aspose.Chart.
utilizing Microsoft Word.
Your visitors can choose
and Aspose.Project.
Open files created in
between four ways of
Microsoft Word 97, 2000 and
searching: Any word, All
XP; Fill mail merge fields
Words, Phrase or Boolean
defined in the document with
expression with AND, OR and
your data; Use a DataSet,
NOT keywords. Control
DataTable, DataView,
supports standard ANSI SQL
IDataReader or an array of
searching that works with
values as a data source for
almost every database (e.g.
the mail merge
MS Access, MySQL,...) and
operation; Merge multiple
also MS SQL Server specific
records of a DataTable into
Full Text Search. Also,
one document to create
control will correct
documents such as letters,
accidental user input
invoices or mailing
mistakes and dangerous
labels; Grow tables or
attempts of SQL
regions inside your document
injection. If you need to
dynamically to accommodate
add database searching
for all rows in the data
options on your web site,
source; Save document in
Search Control is high
Microsoft Word or text
quality, easy and scalable

Date: May, 10 2004

Date: Mar, 31 2004

Date: May, 10 2004

Date: Nov, 25 2004
BuilderEditor is a powerful
CompleteGridView is a ASP.NET
CsvReader is an extremely
The DataList control displays
and easy to use ASP.NET RAD
data grid component derived
fast and efficient .Net
data items in a repeating
component for maintaining a
from Microsoft's GridView.
class for parsing virtually
list, and optionally
datasource (e.g. SQL
It is written with Framework
any commonly found delimited
supports selecting and
database, dataset). It
2.0 and it is absolutely
data format, CSV files, tab
editing the items. The
allows you to add, edit,
free. CompleteGridView has
delimited files, etc. It's
content and layout of list
delete and display data from
the following
usable from C#, VB.Net,
items in DataList is defined
a data source. It generates
enhancements: - Master
ASP.Net, or any other .Net
using templates. At a
the data entry forms used to
detail template to support
language. Parsing is done
minimum, every DataList must
insert and edit data based
displaying master detail
using the de facto standard
define an ItemTemplate;
on the data source schema.
data. Unlimited levels of
CSV file specifications. All
however, several optional
In the same way it generates
master detail. Just be sure
development is throughly
templates can be used to
the data forms used to
to use pagination in order
unit tested to guarantee
customize the appearance of
display data. The data entry
not to have huge size pages.
fewer bugs and to insure
the list. The following
forms may include both input
For a better understanding
proper handling of extreme
table describes those
and validation controls. To
of this feature please watch
cases. New in version
insert, update or delete
the video demonstration. -
2.0 is the ability to bulk
data you need to interact
Unselect button for setting
load large CSV files
with data events. The events
SelectedIndex of the
directly into SQL Server
include all information
GridView to -1 when a
using the new .Net 2.0 class
(e.g. data keys, input
GridViewRow is selected
SqlBulkCopy and the
control values) that you
(unselecting a row in
CsvDataReader as the
need to execute a data
GridView). - Quick filter
datasource. Data can be
operation. The
tool for filtering
validated and/or modified on
BuilderEditor component
data. Sort arrow icon to
the fly during the bulk load
allows you to specify the
help the use to see the
controls to be used to
sorting order
generate the data forms. You
can use standard web
applied to a column. -
controls or third-party
Record count row that
controls. Save time using
displays the number of
the BuilderEditor ASP.NET
records from the datasource
and what records are
displayed on the current
page in a customizable
format ( e.g. Displaying
items 1 to 10 from 215 ).

Date: Mar, 16 2006

Date: Sep, 16 2006

Date: Feb, 03 2006

Date: Dec, 20 2006
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