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Building a PHP Counter

Hits: 258

Simple MySQL PHP Hit Counter

Hits: 566
This tutorial will help you
A very simple hit counter
This is a short tutorial on
This tutorial is intended for
build and understand how a
that tracks visits per site.
how to make your own simple
PHP programmers interested
counter that only counts
Also a basic introduction to
hitcounter in PHP.
in learning how to apply
unique visitors works.
Session Management.
PHP's GD image manipulation
support. Readers interested
in learning how to access a
MySQL database from PHP,
and/or define a PHP function
will also benefit from this
tutorial. You should be able
to create a table using the
MySQL command interface, and
must know how to create a
GIF using any commercial
paint program.

Date: Aug, 14 2002

Date: Jul, 25 2002

Date: Jul, 20 2001

Date: Jun, 19 2000
This is a guide to installing
graphical and text PHP3
counters. Graphical counter
includes image size and
alternate text. Both the
graphical and text use the
same script base.

Date: Apr, 03 2000
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