Build your own newsletter
By keeping track of how many
New to PHP? This tutorial
Part 1 of 2 Tutorial to
script using the power of
people visit your website,
teaches you how to make a
create a hit counter using
php and mysql, users can
you can get some idea of how
PHP Counter, without using
php/mysql. Some of the
subscribe to this newsletter
to improve your website as
MySQL, so if you do not have
feature discussed in thi
and also unsubscribe, script
the hits start to increase.
access to MySQL then you can
tutorial will be show no, of
checks if there is user
Adding a basic PHP text
still do it.
In the
online, unique visitor ,
already exists and more
counter is quite easy and we
tutorial you will learn the
visit log & etc. A
will take you through each
basics of file handling and
good & practical
step. Tutorial and full
sessions, which are vital
tutorial for begineers.
script to download and
operations in most PHP
implement on your website.
If you can't
seem to crack it then I have
added the full script at the
end just incase.
Date: Feb, 27 2005 Date: Feb, 09 2005 Date: Jan, 22 2005 Date: Jan, 09 2005 |
Final Part of the tutorial
With this simple and
A counter is an essential
A very basic tutorial with
that helps your to build
straight-forward tutorial,
part of a site to know how
working example. It shows
your own hit counter with
you can learn how to create
many people are coming to
beginner how to make a
some basic features.
and implement a counter that
site. Here is an easy way to
simple text counter by
Consists of data for last 24
updates every time a page is
make a counter. All you need
opening, reading, and
hours, No of users online
is access to PHP and be able
writing to files.
for the past 5 minutes. It's
to chmod a directory.
simple & effecitve
Date: Jan, 09 2005 Date: Aug, 19 2004 Date: Feb, 27 2004 Date: Aug, 26 2003 |