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Cookies and Sessions


Setting & Retrieving Cookies

Hits: 1231

PHP Sessions

Hits: 408

PHP Garbage Collection Process

Hits: 1102
This script can display a
A session is the time that a
PHP has a function setcookie
Learn about the PHP Garbage
form or the data stored
user spends at your Web
since version 3.0, but this
Collection process, how it
inside cookies depending on
site. Users may view many
function is too low-level
works, and how to overcome
whether cookies has been set
Web pages between the time
for simple usage. Function
some of the problems it
or not. The online form is
they enter your site and
ae_put_cookie provided, sets
might present.
used to send data and store
leave it. Often you want
cookie for current domain
them inside cookies. The
information to be available
without specifying long
script contains an online
for a complete session.
arguments lists. Just three
Beginning with version 4.0,
arguments: 'name', 'value',
PHP provides a way to do
session cookie flag/number
this. PHP allows you to
of days/forever cookie flag
set up a session and store
session variables. After you
create a session, the
session variables are
available for your use on
any other Web page.

Date: Jan, 05 2007

Date: Nov, 09 2006

Date: Nov, 06 2006

Date: Jun, 28 2006
A collection of 19 tips on
A collection of 23 tips on
This Article takes you step
A quick introduction to PHP
understanding and using
understanding and managing
by step in creating a member
sessions and the use of the
sessions in PHP. Clear
cookies in PHP. Clear
system for your site. From
most basic session handling
explanations and tutorial
explanations and tutorial
designing mySQL tables,
exercises are provided on
exercises are provided on
creating a registration
starting and closing
setting and receiving
script and logging them in
sessions, saving and
cookies, creating and
with sessions and cookies.
retrieving values in
removing persistent cookies,
sessions, deciding how
specifying domain and path
session IDs to be
to restrict cookies, finding
transferred, deciding where
cookies in cookie files,
to store session files,
cookie limitations: How To
deciding when to expire
Send and receive a Cookie to
session values, etc. Topics
the Browser? How To Set a
included in this
Persistent Cookie? How To
collections: What Is a
Remove a Cookie? How To
Session? How To Turn On the
Specify Domain and Path for
Session Support? How To
a Cookie? How Cookies Are
Save/Retrieve Values to the
Transported from Servers to
Current Session? What Is a
Browsers? How To View
Session ID? How To Retrieve
Cookie Header Lines? Where
the Session ID of the
Are the Persistent Cookies
Current Session? What Are
Stored on Your
the Options to Transfer
Computer? How To View the
Session IDs? How Session
Content of a Cookie
IDs Are Transferred on Your
File? How Many Cookies Can
Web Server? How To Force
You Set? How Large Can a
the PHP Engine to Use
Single Cookie Be? How Are
Cookies to Transfer Session
Cookies Encoded During
IDs? Is It More Secure to
Transportation? How Can
Use Cookies to Transfer
Other Webmaster Steal Your
Session IDs? Where Are the
Cookies? ......
Session Values Stored? What
Set the Timeout Period on
Session Values? How To
Remove Values Saved in the
Current Session? How To
Tell If a Session Is
New? What Is

Date: Jun, 21 2006

Date: May, 27 2006

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: Jan, 04 2006
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