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Cookies and Sessions



Hits: 153

Customized Timeout Sessions

Hits: 148
This tutorial will teach an
To begin this tutorial in PHP
Learn how to log users out of
Usage of sessions is sortly
alternative and effective
sessions, you must first
a system after x amount of
explained by using two
solution to cookies in PHP
make sure that your web
minutes of inactivity. This
examples: a hit counter and
which might actually be
server (ie. apache) has the
is a great security add-on!
a simple password protection
better for your website and
options to allow session
with the configuration.
Note: people using apache
and php under a win32
enviorment must manually
configure this option. To
start, this tutorial, you
should have some basic
knowledge of php coding.
Refer to Hotscripts for some
basic and more advanced php
coding tricks.

Date: Mar, 04 2004

Date: Aug, 18 2003

Date: Jul, 14 2003

Date: Dec, 09 2002
Code snippet for creating a
Learn how to build user-aware
According to the cookie
This document describes how
unique randome ID for cookie
PHP scripts that can
specification, any cookie
to customize the session
remember your user's
set for one domain, must not
handlers in PHP4. It
personal settings on your
be sent to any other domain.
provides examples of how to
website. Also a good
Therefore, if you set a
write a fully functional
introduction to cookies.
cookie in your user's
session handler that works
browser on one domain, that
with DBM files and one that
cookie will not be available
works with a MySQL database.
on any other domain. This
tutorial describes a
solution to get around this

Date: Aug, 20 2002

Date: Jul, 29 2002

Date: Nov, 30 2000

Date: Jun, 06 2000
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