
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



DNO Localhost

Hits: 3021

Enano CMS

Hits: 1037


Hits: 643

Top PHP Studio

Hits: 404
DNO Localhost is a complete
Enano is a new wiki-like CMS
PHPRunner is a database
Top PHP Studio is an
software package allowing to
written in PHP. It aims to
management tool that
Integrated Development
use all the power and the
be a lightweight, yet
provides easy access and
Environment for PHP,
flexibility that offers the
flexible, website solution
manipulation possibilities
providing comprehensive and
dynamic language PHP and the
that functions as a
for any database on the Web.
easy-to-use solution for
effecient use of mysql
companion to a forum or
Designed to suit all users
editing, testing and
databases under Windows.
support center. In addition,
from beginners to
deploying PHP based web
Package includes the latest
Enano provides your site
experienced developers,
applications. Main features
version of Apache server,
with support for the all
PHPRunner creates PHP
of Top PHP Studio includes:
MySQL database with
latest Web 2.0 toys and
enabling users to search,
built-in HTTP server and
PhpMyadmin, a fully PHP
gadgets, turning your
edit, delete and add data to
internal web browser for
execution with all the php
website into a powerful,
the Oracle, SQL Server, MS
testing PHP scripts,
modules pre-installed, as
dynamic web portal.
Access, Postgre, or MySQL
convenient code editor
well as easy development
Enano comes with all you
databases. Version 3.1
supporting configurable
tools for your web site or
need to start building your
comes with WYSIWYG visual
syntax highlighting for PHP,
your applications.
website, including a fast,
editor that allows to tweak
easy-to-use installer, a
appearance of generated
pages with ease of
completion for standard PHP
administration panel, and
functions, code explorer,
lots of administration
built-in FTP client, project
controls on each page, while
based management, file
striving to have less bloat
explorer, find in files,
and more float in the sea of
syntax checking for PHP
content management systems
code, visual file comparison
out there.
utility, code snippets for
CSS and HTML tags,
templates, automatic
parentheses highlighting and

Date: Jan, 09 2007

Date: Dec, 16 2006

Date: Dec, 08 2006

Date: Dec, 03 2006
With OutSite-In, your site
SourceGuardian 7 PHP Encoder
UPLA is a lightweight photo
dbQwikSite: Turbo charge your
easily becomes an
is the ultimate protection
upload server that can be
web development Generate
"outersite": a
solution for your PHP
either embedded into an
all kinds web applications
portable, dynamic website,
scripts. Version 7.0
existing Web site or
connected to databases.
without the Web. On a
introduces a host of new and
delivered as a hosted
dbQwikSite is an intelligent
CD-Rom, USB key or as a
enhanced features.
service. It is extremely
code generator saving hours
software, your outersites go
SourceGuardian has become an
simple, compact, secure and
of tedious web programming.
anywhere (to meetings, an
essential tool for many web
easy to install and does not
Absolutely no coding
exhibition, even on a
developers and programmers,
require a database backend!
required! It is amazing,
picnic...).They make also
offering the ability to
Features: + Upload
just give dbQwikSite a
great backup solutions.
protect their PHP code and
and view image files. +
database, and pick the
OutSite-In is a powerful
therefore their intellectual
Automatically created
tables and page types (List,
software very easy to use
property. The new version
thumbnails with configurable
Add, Edit, Search... there's
and multilingual. It is
contains all of the same
size + HTTP based
loads more page types).
quick to create and
useful features customers
authentication (Apache setup
Then click test, your
personalize your outersite.
have grown to expect,
only). + Explicit Logout
ASP/PHP is generated and
OutSite-In works for
including bytecode encoding,
function. + Administrator
tests right on your PC.
PHP/MySQL technologies and
time limiting scripts and
and Viewer users support +
Simple, yet powerful! Go
the major CMS.
locking to specific domain
Administrator user can 1)
with the defaults, or dign
names or machines. However,
upload/delete images 2)
in deeper and take full
7.0 further enhances
add/edit image
control of your pages. You
functionality allowing for
descriptions 3)
can control color themes,
protection of non-PHP
create/delete/rename folders
record layouts, page flow,
scripts, including the
+ Viewer user can only
security access and more.
popular Smarty templating
browse and view photos. +
Need more? What about
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Customizable look and feel
intgrated Ecommerce, create
include a faster encoding
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dbQwikSite, has built in
layers and a richer, more
file + Customizable help
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X encoding clients and a
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Command line encoder.
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SourceGuardian 7 PHP Encoder
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shops... the posibilities
solution on the market. A
are limitless.
free 7-day trial is

Date: Nov, 11 2006

Date: Oct, 26 2006

Date: Oct, 25 2006

Date: Oct, 19 2006
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