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Introduction to Java Script

Hits: 1391

Java Script Boxes (Part I)

Hits: 1000

Java Script Boxes (Part II)

Hits: 868
In this Java Script tutorial
The TreeWalker object is a
There are actually three
As a continuation of the
you will learn about
powerful DOM2 object that
types of popup boxes that
earlier section where we
Introduction to Java Script,
lets you easily filter
can be created using Java
have seen alert box, we will
Origin of Java Script, Need
through and create custom
Script. As per the needs of
see in section briefly about
of Java Script, Differences
collections out of nodes in
the user the programmers
confirm box and prompt
between Java and Java Script
the document. This is a
creates any of these types
box.The confirm box is one
and Uses or Advantages of
comprehensive tutorial on
of popup box using Java
that pops up with two
Java Script.Java Script was
how to utilize this object.
Script.The three kinds of
buttons namely OK and
developed by Netscape by a
popup boxes that can be
Cancel. This box namely
person named as Brendan
created using Java Script
Confirm box is used to
Eich. Though it was
are namely.
verify from the user for
introduced as a client0side
acceptance. If the user
scripting languge and is
accepts then the user
most geenrally used like
presses the Ok button and
that there is no restriction
there by the confirm box
for one using it in server
returns with a value true
side also. The original name
and if the user rejects then
that Java script had when it
the user presses the cancel
was intrduced was Livescript.
button and there by the
confirm box returns false

Date: Nov, 23 2006

Date: Jul, 25 2006

Date: Nov, 23 2006

Date: Nov, 23 2006
We saw in previous section
Having got a brief
We saw in previous sections
Important aspect of Java
the String Object of Java
introduction about Java
the String and Date Objects
Script a programmer must be
Script. Now in this section
Script in the previous
of Java Script. Now in this
aware of is it is an Object
let us see another object of
chapter let us see the
section let us see another
oriented Programming
Java Script mentioned
features of Java Script in
object of Java Script
language. This in other
earlier in our sections
this section.While designing
mentioned earlier in our
words means that it is
namely the Date Object.
using HTML the persons doing
sections namely the Math
possible to use built in
the designing using HTML
objects available in Java
need to be a good designer
Script and also it is
and would generally, need
possible for a Java Script
not be a good programmer. So
programmer to define their
in such situation the Java
own objects and their own
Script acts as a programming
variable types. Let us see
tool and is a powerful
in this section how to make
scripting language and helps
use of built in objects
the HTML designers to design
available in Java Script.
the website or webpage
effectively and
interactively in a very
simple and efficient way.

Date: Nov, 23 2006

Date: Nov, 23 2006

Date: Nov, 23 2006

Date: Nov, 23 2006
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