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Java Script Variables

Hits: 1087

Java Script Features

Hits: 1074

Java Script Boxes (Part I)

Hits: 1000

Java Script String Object

Hits: 931
Just like any programming
Having got a brief
There are actually three
As we have seen in earlier
language the variables in
introduction about Java
types of popup boxes that
section String object is a
Java Script are also used to
Script in the previous
can be created using Java
widely used object in Java
store values. The value of
chapter let us see the
Script. As per the needs of
Script. Let us see in this
the variable can be edited
features of Java Script in
the user the programmers
section what the String
as required by the
this section.While designing
creates any of these types
Object is used for, how to
programmer.Some of the rules
using HTML the persons doing
of popup box using Java
use that in Java Script,
for forming variable names
the designing using HTML
Script.The three kinds of
some of the methods used in
are as follows: Variable
need to be a good designer
popup boxes that can be
String Object in brief.
names are case
and would generally, need
created using Java Script
sensitive.They must begin
not be a good programmer. So
are namely.
with a letter or the
in such situation the Java
underscore character.Having
Script acts as a programming
seen about the simple rules
tool and is a powerful
for framing variables names
scripting language and helps
now let us see how to
the HTML designers to design
declare a variable name.
the website or webpage
effectively and
interactively in a very
simple and efficient way.

Date: Nov, 23 2006

Date: Nov, 23 2006

Date: Nov, 23 2006

Date: Nov, 23 2006
This article explains why
Literal notation is a new way
There are many scripts out
As a continuation of the
browser detects should be
of defining arrays in
there that provide
earlier section where we
used only as a last resort
JavaScript that's extremely
customized pop ups for your
have seen alert box, we will
and shows why using object
flexible and robust. Learn
pages. Rather than trying to
see in section briefly about
detection is a better
about literal notation in
supply a one size fits all
confirm box and prompt
this tutorial.
script this article
box.The confirm box is one
demonstrates how you can
that pops up with two
easily write your own
buttons namely OK and
popups, giving you complete
Cancel. This box namely
control over what you show
Confirm box is used to
your users.
verify from the user for
acceptance. If the user
accepts then the user
presses the Ok button and
there by the confirm box
returns with a value true
and if the user rejects then
the user presses the cancel
button and there by the
confirm box returns false

Date: Sep, 15 2006

Date: Dec, 09 2003

Date: Oct, 03 2006

Date: Nov, 23 2006
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