This article introduces the
This is a simple function
This is the first in a series
In any JSP based web site,
TableModel Free (TMF)
used to encode text and
of tips that will serve as a
there could be lots of
framework which eliminates
attribute values before
comprehensive guide to using
repetitive web pages. By
the need to use TableModels
adding them to your XML
XML from the Java
using tag libraries and XML
with Swing JTables. The TMF
documents. This code can
programming language. I
based definition files, this
framework allows for more
always be extended to handle
begin with coverage of the
can be generalized into a
configurable JTables by
maore special characters
SAX API. This tipreviews
framework based rendering.
moving all of table-specific
getting an instance of a SAX
This article illustrates
data outside of the compiled
parser and setting various
such usage to render a web
code and into a configurable
features and properties on
XML file. Framework
that parser.
developer and Java UI
enthusiast Michael Abernethy
walks you through TMF
framework, helping you
reduce the size of a
TableModel from hundreds of
lines of code to just a
single line, making
management a snap.
Date: Oct, 21 2004 Date: May, 21 2004 Date: Jul, 07 2003 Date: Jun, 24 2003 |
XML developers used to rely
The ability to save the
on XML parsers to read XML
JavaBean component state for
files. They also used to
long-term persistence within
rely on XML processors to
an XML document has been a
transform XML to *ML (HTML,
topic of much discussion
XML, etc.). However, most of
with Java developers in the
them forget these tools to
past few years. This feature
generate XML from scratch.
has finally been adopted in
They should not. This
the 1.4 version of J2SE.
article presents code
This article shows you how
samples for generating XML
to use the new XMLEncoder
and XMLDecoder classes,
bypassing serialization and
allowing you to generate
fully initialized bean
Date: Jul, 08 2002 Date: Aug, 07 2001 |