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Introduction to Jena

Hits: 882

Mobile Database Access

Hits: 806

Paging Records in JSP

Hits: 5872

Counting Records in MySQL by JSP

Hits: 1666
RDF is increasingly
This tutorial shows you how
You can divide database
This code source displays
recognized as an excellent
to build a database
results into pages with this
count of records in MySQL.
choice for representing and
application using Java 2
script. This source code is
We are using a SQL
processing semi-structured
Micro Edition (J2ME) Record
for available to use with
statement. You can easily
data. In this article, Web
Management System (RMS). It
MySQL. But you can modify
modify the code to use in
developer Philip McCarthy
also demonstrates how to
the code to use with
different languages. But
shows you how to use the
craft a MIDlet that performs
PostgreSql and Oracle. You
this code can be used for
Jena Semantic Web Toolkit to
the necessary logic of
can not use this code with
JSP with MySQL. We will use
exploit RDF data models in
creating and accessing a
MS-SQL. Becuase MS-SQL does
Connector/J driver to
your Java applications.
sample database application
not support using 'LIMIT' in
connect database.
and deploys it to a J2ME
your sql queries.

Date: Jun, 25 2004

Date: Jun, 20 2004

Date: Nov, 26 2003

Date: Nov, 26 2003
A tutorial on how to create
A tutorial on how to connect
A tutorial on obtaining,
This article provides a brief
and execute JDBC SQL
to a MySQL Database using
installing and configuring
introduction to JDBC.
Statements and display
Connector/J JDBC Driver.
MySQL Database and
Explains what is JDBC and
records from a table in a
Explains what are database
Connector/J JDBC Driver for
how it can be used to access
MySQL Database. Also covers
URLs? Why and how to specify
use on Microsoft Windows.
RDBMS. Provides a brief
topics like creating
JDBC driver names? Then
Advanced topics covered
overview of JDBC
databases and tables in
moves on to write a simple
include installing MySQL as
MySQL. All code is explained
Java program to connect to a
a Windows service and
in detail.
MySQL database server.
configuring MySQL and
Explains all the code in
Connector/J JDBC Driver to
use named pipes.

Date: Sep, 10 2003

Date: Sep, 05 2003

Date: Sep, 02 2003

Date: Sep, 02 2003
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