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Introduction to Flash



Hits: 462

Using the flash tool bar

Hits: 359

Working with Layers

Hits: 659
A step by step guide to
this page shows how to
This will show you the basics
This tutorial will teach you
making things move in flash.
correctly use the pixel
of how to get around using
how to work on layers using
fonts in macromedia flash
the macromedia flash tool
Flash MX 2004.
for best quality results.
bar, and their functions to
You will find some important
help you make you macromedia
rules when working with
flash objects.
flash and pixel fonts, also
we provide some locations
where you can download free
pixel fonts.

Date: Mar, 03 2003

Date: Nov, 28 2006

Date: Aug, 18 2003

Date: Jul, 22 2004
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