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Introduction to Flash


Making a Flash Website #2

Hits: 659

Making a Flash Website #3

Hits: 344

Motion tweening (basic)

Hits: 1729

Motion tweening the basics

Hits: 763
This is part 2 of making a
Learn to animate your flash
Motion tweening is one of the
It is very important to
flash website. It will go
website pages. It would be
most important parts in the
understand the concept of
through adding the
useful if you did part 1 and
program Macromedia Flash.We
motion tweening in Flash.
2 of this tutorial
almost cant imagine working
Motion tweening is used to
without motion tweening.We
automatically alter the
are using motion tweening
properties of a symbol (a
automatically alter the
movie clip, a button or a
properties of a symbol
graphic) over a certain
(Movie Clip.....) over a
length of time. Motion
certain length of time.This
tweening can be use to
tutorail will learn you how
change the _x and and _y
to create very simple motion
property of an element on
tweening effect.Exactly this
the stage, the alpha
tutorial is for the peopels
transparency, the size of
who opening flash for the
the symbol, the tint ...etc
first time.You don't have to
let's start with a basic
know anything about this
tutorial that will help us
program to create this
to understand the very basic
of motion tweening.

Date: Mar, 24 2005

Date: Mar, 28 2005

Date: Aug, 03 2006

Date: May, 08 2006
This tutorial will show you
In this easy tutorial made
In this tutorial you will see
In this tutorial you will see
how to convert a normal
for Flash 8, you will see
how to build a simple
how to build a simple
picture in the picture that
how to create realistic
rollover button.
rollover button.
seems like a poster using
shadow in flash with no
trace option in Macromedia
Action Script, using the
Flash. This is very cool and
Shadow filters and Transform
practical effect which you
can use it wherever you
like. It is so easily to
create it, so let's go!

Date: Aug, 17 2006

Date: Jan, 07 2007

Date: Mar, 08 2006

Date: Jan, 12 2006
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