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Making a Gear in Flash

Hits: 1259

Flash read/write script

Hits: 440
In this tutorial you'll learn
Learn the basic essentials
The long awaited 2nd part of
Using PHP, flash can call
how to draw a gear and then
needed to create a
the Flash video player
files on the server and
animate it.
progressive flash video
tutorial is out. XML and
read/write to/from
player for your website or
much more stuff has been
them. Further more a third
presentation. Part 2 will be
function alows yo to get the
coming very soon.
visitor's IP.

Date: Jan, 12 2006

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Jun, 24 2005
Flash doesn't provide a built
LoadVars class is the most
one of the most stunning
Learn how to create a very
in function to search and
powerfull class for
applications of Macromedia
simple preloader for your
replace text, this tutorial
communicating with
Flash is that you can create
flash files. This article is
explains how you may write
server-side technologies and
your very own game, i found
done in Flash 5 but also
your own using very simple
to load external data from
it marvelous back when i
applies to Flash 4. The
text files. It was
made my first one. its worth
preloader is essential to
introduced in Flash Player 6
sharing the easy tricks i
prevent partial loading of
to provide a cleaner, much
took making one of my games,
the movie while it plays. A
more object-oriented
"Fishing Season".
preloader is usually made
interface for the common
the name says it all, its a
attractive to the viewer to
task of exchanging data with
fishing game.
keep him/her occupied while
a server and text files.
another movie or some data
is loaded in the background.

Date: Jun, 22 2005

Date: May, 11 2005

Date: May, 11 2005

Date: Apr, 22 2005
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