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Flash Sound On/Off Button

Hits: 622
Learn how to call data from a
Simple tutorial on creating a
This tutorial covers 2 new
It is always difficult to
text file or other means
sound on/off button using
cool features which are
learn a thing when you even
into your flash text
Flash actionscript.
unique to Flash 6 and above.
don't know how to start. If
object. This step by step
These are setMask and
you think programming is
will help you from falsh4 to
setInterval. This demo could
absolutely a strange thing,
flash MX.
not have been possible
couldn't imagine how to
without these features.. or
write ActionScript. Wish
at least without setMask
this tutorial document will
which really is the more
help you to know how to
interesting one of the two,
start ActionScript, find out
for this example's purposes.
what you need in

Date: Aug, 18 2003

Date: Jun, 11 2003

Date: Dec, 12 2002

Date: Nov, 30 -1
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