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Flash 4 Bible

Hits: 2089

Flash 4 Magic

Hits: 1226

Flash Web Design

Hits: 1080
Flash 4 Bible provides a
Flash 4 for Windows and
21 Flash 4 projects.
Flash is the perfect tool for
clear and thorough
Macintosh: Visual QuickStart
Professional. Inspirational.
creating immersive,
introduction to Flash 4 for
Guide is a step-by-step
Fully customizable. And
interactive, and animated
beginners as well as a
guide to creating animated
brought to you by a team of
Web site design, and Flash
comprehensive guide to the
Web graphics using
7 developers and designers
Web Design teaches you to
application's more complex
Macromedia Flash 4. This
who are among today's best
use it to its full
features, like
easy, visual approach to
Flash designers. Flash 4
potential. The book is
ActionScripting, for
learning Flash takes the
Magic offers games (such as
broken into two sections:
intermediate and advanced
reader through the basics of
Dodge and Concentration) and
The Essentials and Case
users. Expert tutorials from
vector drawing to the
utilities (such as a clock
Studies. The Essentials
guest authors throughout the
creation of animated
that uses external
section covers the basics of
book that dive into advanced
multimedia files for the
JavaScript and guestbook and
Flash production,
uses of Flash. Learn how to
Web. Using this clear guide,
poll applications that use
illuminating how and why
stream animations and create
professional Web designers,
external PHP sc ripting).
Flash works. The second
animated logos. Create
as well as hobbyists, can
And more. Just follow the
section is a series of case
pop-up menus and rollover
find out how to add
steps. Take a look at the
studies and deconstructions
buttons with ease. Explore
sophisticated multimedia
graphics. Check out the CD
based on projects and
Flash drawing tools,
effects to their Web pages,
that includes the project
problems the author has
animation controls, and file
without having to learn
code. And then make each
faced with his clients. Each
format support. Covers how
complicated scripting
project your own.
of these case studies begins
to use Flash with
languages. Topics covered:
by getting the reader to
Dreamweaver, PhotoShop,
using the editing
think about the processes
FreeHand, Illustrator,
environment, including the
and ideas behind specific
Painter, Fireworks, Adobe
timeline, stage, toolbar,
designs. Flash Web Design is
Dimensions, and Kinetix 3D
menus and keyboard
geared toward professional
Studio Max. Discover cool
shortcuts; creating and
Web designers and content
techniques like
modifying objects, using
creators who want to make
in-betweening and
layers, saving objects as
their site stand out from
onion-skinning. Learn
symbols and using libraries;
the typical noise of the
JavaScript Interactivity
creating frame-by-frame
Web. This book assumes
with Flash movies. Learn to
animations, animations with
readers have some experience
use Flash with Generator for
motion and shape tweening;
with Web design and
on-the-fly, dynamic web
using masks, movie-clip
animation, but it does not
symbols, interactivity with
assume previous work with
frame actions and buttons;
adding sound to movies,
complex interactivity,
including conditional
actions; preparing a movie
for optimal playback on the
Web, including Flash Player
settings; and publishing
HTML for Flash Player files.

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006
Graphics, Animation and
The Flash Anthology is for
Interactivity with Flash 4.0
anyone who wishes to take
provides the information
their Flash skills to the
needed to make the most out
next level. Learn to create
of web site design by using
and customize dozens of
Macromedia Flash 4.0. This
effects, work with external
book includes explanations
data, produce charts
that are straightforward and
& graphs, make your
easy to understand and
Flash sites search engine
provides examples of the
friendly, debug errors
common functions needed to
easily & quickly and
apply this program. Find
so much more.
complete coverage of vector
animation as well as
information on ad banners,
buttons, and animated
corporate logos. Coverage
includes information on how
to integrate sound with
animations, create vector
images with transparency,
and create quick loading
animated sequences to play
while the rest of the web
content downloads. This book
is the perfect web design
tool and desk reference.

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Nov, 30 -1
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