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Flash 4 Bible


Flash 4 Bible

Hits: 1968
Flash 4 Bible provides a clear and thorough introduction to Flash 4 for beginners as well as a comprehensive guide to the application's more complex features, like ActionScripting, for intermediate and advanced users. Expert tutorials from guest authors throughout the book that dive into advanced uses of Flash. Learn how to stream animations and create animated logos. Create pop-up menus and rollover buttons with ease. Explore Flash drawing tools, animation controls, and file format support. Covers how to use Flash with Dreamweaver, PhotoShop, FreeHand, Illustrator, Painter, Fireworks, Adobe Dimensions, and Kinetix 3D Studio Max. Discover cool techniques like in-betweening and onion-skinning. Learn JavaScript Interactivity with Flash movies. Learn to use Flash with Generator for on-the-fly, dynamic web graphics.
Platform(s): n/a
Date: Feb, 19 2006
Author: IDG Books Worldwide, http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0764533568/


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