The functions included are
dbgmailr is a small utility
Perl-raiser CGI Generator is
Perl Dev Kit provides
used for making telephone
in Perl that makes it easy
Software which Generates
essential tools for Perl
calls from any computer. The
to troubleshoot SMTP
Ready-To-Go Website Search
programmers, making it
call requests are sent over
transactions, because it
Engines, Refer a Friends,
easier to build and deploy
http to Voicent Gateway, a
shows the SMTP transaction
Member Logins, Guestbooks,
applications. Perl
software program for
of each email sent. It has
Mailing List/Newsletters,
developers can create
interactive telephony
the added attribute of being
self-contained applications,
It is also
capable of sending email
MessageBoard/Forums, and
.NET and ActiveX components,
possible to set up a
without the need of a
Feedback Programs.
Windows services and system
call-till-confirm phone
relaying SMTP server. (You
Interactive CGI Programs
tray applications, and more
escalation process, ideal
can send SMTP commands
which drive traffic to your
- all written in Perl.
for system administration
directly to the server in
staffs. (This feature is not
the target domain.) It was
available in the free
designed primarily as a
sysadmin tool, and is also
convenient for sending a
single email, e.g. when the
email doesn't justify
launching a full-blown POP
client. This is similar in
principal to utilities such
as Qm. It can also send
Date: Dec, 21 2004 Date: Jan, 14 2005 Date: Mar, 29 2004 Date: Mar, 05 2004 |
Perl Development Environment
Try this integrated
The author writes "The
The WWS Perl Protector allows
with multi-file
development environment
Email client was an
you to encrypt your Perl
syntax-highlighting editor,
(IDE) for Perl with all the
extension of a Web CGI
source code & Perl
web utilities such as
necessary tools for writing
interface for the
Modules making its very
one-click FTP upload,
and debugging your Perl First I
difficult to modify or
one-click upload and execute
programs. It features
migrated to the CLI
steal. You can set domain
on server, one-click testing
multiple CGI scripts for
interface, which was real
name where you only want
to in-line text pane or web
editing, running, and
ugly, but it gave me a basis
your scripts to run, set
browser, inbuilt web server,
debugging; multiple input
for the application. Then I
expiry time and url,where
MySQL integration, batch
files; full server
moved over to the Tk
you want your customers to
file editing / execution,
simulation; queries created
interface, and started
be forwarded once the
module installer, auto
from an internal Web browser
building features. Presently
encrypted scripts is expired.
form-filling / environment
or query editor; test MySQL,
the ability to check and
variable emulation, code
MS Access scripts;
send mail, as well as
templates, multi-level
interective I/O; directory
configure a pop3, smtp,
backups / one-click
window; code library; and
account name, password, and
restores, version control,
code templates.
reply to address are
logging, and time-saving
included. The interface for
Autoupdate & Autoconfig
reading/deleting mail is
clunky, but under
Date: Nov, 02 2003 Date: Apr, 21 2003 Date: Sep, 06 2001 Date: Apr, 22 2004 |