The Follow Up Mailing List
The PDT-System is a complete
SYMBOL is an acronym for Surf
Formwizard is a perl module
Processor is a very
back-end handler for paypal.
Your Money Books On Line.
to manage forms. It can be
specialized mailing list
Works with paypal's standard
This is a browser based
used in any CGI/program, to
system. You can create
and business accounts. (Not
double entry accounting
generate HTML forms, and
unlimited e-mail messages,
for Free accounts) Simply
system for Australian
manage the input provided
which are automatically sent
create a buynow button and
conditions. Has Payroll
through that
out to the subscribers of
send the paypal's auto
System, mailing lists, stock
your mailing list at
return to this system and
control, count the money in
different time intervals.
you have complete control of
as many different ways as
The script also allows you
the download(s). Supports
you want. Generation of
to create and assign an auto
multiple buynow buttons to
standard letters for payroll
responder to a mailing list,
downloads. Unique system
deductions. Vlookup
so when someone sends an
design prevents sharing of
friendly reports for Excel
e-mail to the auto
download links and limits
and Gnumeric. Multi-user,
responder, they are
buyer to 3 attempts to
Multi-Platform. The
automatically added to the
download. Details of
instructions are still a
mailing list, and follow ups
security and how the system
work in progress.
begin. Whats new:
works available. Live Demo
Multilingual user
- Bounced emails
- Blacklist
e-mails database
LinkTracking system
E-Mail Duplication Check
Personalized E-Mail Messages
Date: Oct, 19 2005 Date: Jul, 24 2006 Date: Nov, 23 2005 Date: Nov, 30 -1 |
Perl XML library for parsing
Blosxom (pronounced
visiPerl+ provides you with
This is a script that you are
and creating XML. Advanced
"Blossom") is a
all the tools to write Perl
free to modify as you wish.
API for XML compression, XML
lightweight yet
scripts. Although visiPerl+
It was created as part of a
encryption, and handling XML
feature-packed weblog
leans toward CGI based
project at Surrey
binary content. Fully
application designed from
development, many use it to
University. The winning
internationalized to handle
the ground up with
develope various console
alogorithm need additions.
any language / character
simplicity, usability, and
based utility scripts. Some
If you need further advise
interoperability in mind.
of its main features
please feel free to contact
include: Built-in mini-Web
me via an e-mail.
Server, Built-in FTP Client,
Document properties, Perl
Explorer, Syntax
Highlighting, Testing and
Debugging, and much more.
Date: Oct, 22 2006 Date: Jun, 06 2003 Date: Sep, 11 2000 Date: Jul, 27 2004 |