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#01 WWS Perl Protector

Hits: 352


Hits: 3214


Hits: 450

Ascad Guestbook Creator

Hits: 2018
The WWS Perl Protector allows
ActivePerl is the complete,
A simple Perl script to
Easily establish a
you to encrypt your Perl
quality-assured and
conver AAIGrid (Arc/Info
professional guestbook on
source code & Perl
ready-to-install Perl
ASCII Grid) digital
your web site, allowing
Modules making its very
distribution for AIX, HP-UX,
elevation model data into a
unlimited users to sign the
difficult to modify or
Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris,
TGA image suitable for
guestbook. Administrators
steal. You can set domain
and Windows. It is available
POVray's height_field object.
will be happy with the
name where you only want
on DVD or by free download.
administrative comments
your scripts to run, set
feature, alloing them to
expiry time and url,where
comment on users' posts.
you want your customers to
Banned language, IP, name,
be forwarded once the
and spam reduction filters
encrypted scripts is expired.
help to prevent unwanted
content from being posted on
your guestbook, while a
convenient administrative
control panel allows you to
manage signatures. Finally,
customisable templates for
seamless integration into
any web site.

Date: Apr, 22 2004

Date: Jan, 09 2007

Date: May, 11 2005

Date: Oct, 12 2006
Blosxom (pronounced
Create CGI (Common Gateway
CGIScripter instantly writes
Perl XML library for parsing
"Blossom") is a
Interface) scripts for any
Perl CGI Scripts for MySQL,
and creating XML. Advanced
lightweight yet
type of form. Single or
Oracle, Access, SQL Server,
API for XML compression, XML
feature-packed weblog
multi-page form input and
Sybase, DB2, PostgreSQL and
encryption, and handling XML
application designed from
confirmation before
binary content. Fully
the ground up with
submission. Mail to main and
databases. Features: --
internationalized to handle
simplicity, usability, and
copy email addresses, with
Improve productivity --
any language / character
interoperability in mind.
facility to mask particular
Improve security of web
IDs in copy email. Mail in
applications -- Save
plain text or HTML format.
thousands in infrastructure
Customizable templates to
costs -- No ODBC licensing
compose mail, autoresponder
required for UNIX web
and acknowledgment pages.
servers -- Leverage open
Customizable invoice/receipt
source software - Apache,
after submission. Store the
Perl, DBI -- Quickly
input on server.
prototype web
Customizable CGI that can be
applications -- Economical
resided on your server or on
site license Demo for
WebGenie's secure server.
MacOS X, Windows, Linux and
Ideal for order, feedback,
survey, mailing list,
enrollment, etc. Free module
to create 'Refer This
Site'form for any website.

Date: Jun, 06 2003

Date: Jul, 14 2005

Date: Aug, 20 2004

Date: Oct, 22 2006
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