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Another Photo Gallery (APG)

Hits: 253

Copysafe Pro

Hits: 202


Hits: 298
APG is a Java 1.2 application
If you are worried about
JExifViewer is a Java program
jGallery is a web application
that generates static HTML
Screen Capture and
for displaying and comparing
to present image galleries.
pages for photo-galleries.
PrintScreen you need
Exif informations stored in
HTML pages are created at
This is good if you want
Copysafe. It is safe from
JPEG files created by
request time (template
your digital images on a
all copying, saving,
digital cameras. JExifViewer
based). jGallery needs
simple web site and don't
printing and capture.
is an Open Source project
Tomcat 5 / JSP 2.0
have lots of hosting
Encrypted images are more
released under the GPL.
services available to you.
secure because the files on
JExifViewer has an image
the server cannot be viewed
viewer in which you can
away from your web site,
rotate and/or flip, zoom
even by the webmaster. Any
in/out the selected image.
content that can be viewed
You can also print an
in a web browser can also be
image. You can also
displayed. Individual pages
rename, copy, move and
can also be set to
delete images. At the
allow/disallow print, menu
moment JExifViewer is
controls, keyboard or
localized in English and
capture. Pro will batch
German. A short online
import and convert more than
help is available.
3,000 images at a time.

Date: Feb, 17 2001

Date: Aug, 20 2004

Date: Jul, 10 2006

Date: Jan, 22 2006
SimplyView. The fast, fun and
easy way to view your
images. Ideal for
organising, viewing and
sharing your image
collection. Create 'Photo
albums', 'Folder profiles'
and run audio/visual
slideshows. Special
effects include dissolve and
transform. Images can also
be shown in monochrome,
reversed, rotated, with a
caption and/or mount effect
etc. Advanced 'Find' can
locate a single image/all
images in a single
folder/all drives based on,
part of/all of an image
name, date before/after,
size above/below, and file
type/s etc.(can be saved
has a 'Folder Profile' for
future viewing).
Compatible with most
popular image formats. Runs
on any system with a Java
JRE installed(FREE). See
Website for more details.

Date: Jul, 05 2004
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