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User Authentication


A simple ASP Login Page

Hits: 1166

Database-Driven Login Script

Hits: 2897
You will find here a sample
A simple ASP Login Page for
This step-by-step guide
This script lets you to build
script showing you how you
your simple or e-commerce
presents a free
a login script. User can
can protect a reserved area
site using ASP and MS Access
cut-and-paste example code
login a password protected
of your website with a
Database without ODBC
of a username and password
page using his/her own login
simple login page. The
login web based system.
username and password. All
script is using an access
Developed using ASP,
usernames and passwords
sample database.
Microsoft Access and
stored in a MS-Access

Date: Oct, 06 2005

Date: Sep, 23 2005

Date: Feb, 20 2004

Date: Jan, 25 2004
This script lest you to build
This is a complete tutorial
This script will validate
Using an asp file and an
a registration form for your
on how to create your own
form input against field in
Access database, this short
clients. A visitor can
'members-only' area on your
a database. The script will
example code demonstrates
create a username and
website. The author writes
connect to the database and
how to create a user login
password filling this form.
"A frequent task for
query the database fields -
script with customizable
All usernames and passwords
ASP developers is to create
if the form input matches
personalization feature.
stored in a MS-Access
a members area style section
the database, a cookie will
of a website. This would
be allocated which will
normally involve
remain across any further
registration, a login page,
ASP pages, until destroyed.
and then access to a section
Page views of admin or
of the site that is only
member pages can then be
available to registered
validated by checking for
users. This tutorial will
the cookie, if the cookie is
cover the steps needed to
found, the user can continue
create all 3 sections."
and if the cookie is not
found, the user is
redirected back to the login

Date: Jan, 25 2004

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Dec, 18 2000
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