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User Authentication


A simple ASP Login Page

Hits: 1166

Authentication Tutorial

Hits: 393
A simple ASP Login Page for
One of the most powerful
This article explains how to
This is a quick and easy
your simple or e-commerce
enhancements for any site is
control web application
guide to building an
site using ASP and MS Access
to establish community and
access by validating the
authentication system in
Database without ODBC
personalization features. In
user’s login and password
ASP. First, it explains
our new series, we are going
against a database using
Authentication: What it is,
to demonstrate how to add
Active Server Pages. Once
how you work with it, and
community and
validated the IP Address of
what options are currently
personalization features to
the user is ensure that the
available to you. Then, it
your web-site. The first
user has access to the
explains each choice in more
step to reach this goal is
detail to help you decide
to allow user registration.
which is the best way for
In this first article, we
you to authenticate your web
show you how to add user
registration to your site
using SQL Server and ASP.

Date: Sep, 23 2005

Date: Aug, 11 2000

Date: Jul, 17 2000

Date: Jul, 05 2000
This is a complete tutorial
This script lets you to build
Using an asp file and an
You will find here a sample
on how to create your own
a login script. User can
Access database, this short
script showing you how you
'members-only' area on your
login a password protected
example code demonstrates
can protect a reserved area
website. The author writes
page using his/her own login
how to create a user login
of your website with a
"A frequent task for
username and password. All
script with customizable
simple login page. The
ASP developers is to create
usernames and passwords
personalization feature.
script is using an access
a members area style section
stored in a MS-Access
sample database.
of a website. This would
normally involve
registration, a login page,
and then access to a section
of the site that is only
available to registered
users. This tutorial will
cover the steps needed to
create all 3 sections."

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Jan, 25 2004

Date: Dec, 18 2000

Date: Oct, 06 2005
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